Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Yes, I think that if you just try to notice you'll see that BATMAN is everywhere!! Here are a few examples sent to us recently by some loyal Bat-Blog Fans who are awesome. The 1st one is from our Friend "Batmobilly" who lives in Oklahoma City ( That's where I live too ). He went to the Warren Theater the other night to see THE DARK KNIGHT RISES and look at what he saw shining on the ceiling, the Bat-Signal!!

Then, a Friend of ours named Paul was driving the other day down the highway in Denver, Colorado and saw Batgirl's Car! Don't believe me? Just read the License Plate, ha!

Then, and I feel bad about this, a Fan sent us this pic awhile back and I forgot to write his name down and then forgot his name & where he's from. Yeah, I'm an Idiot! But I still appreciate him thinking about the BAT-BLOG and sending us this wonderful photo, it's GREAT! The basic story was he was on his way to work & saw the Batmobile! Yes, the Car of the Caped Crusader! Well, OK, it's not the real one but is "homemade". But still awesome.

Thanks to everyone who sent us these funny pics. Have YOU spotted any wacky Batman stuff in your town? If so, then please shoot us a photo with some basic information. Thanks!