Thursday, June 28, 2012

LILY DONALDSON in Photography

IMAGE ANALYSIS: in the few interviews i have been blessed enough to have during my time as a writer, 
i have made very clear that my fascination with beauty is rooted in disney films. of the entire princess collective, the little mermaid was & will always be my favourite. there is a vulnerability that i found in myself, as it was expressed by the animated films main character, ariel. even in my young age, i felt & still do feel that emotion for wanting something better, something greater than where i currently am. you can identify with her need to transform, to experience a world outside of her own comfort zone. when i seen the cover for this issue, which lily donaldson shot, i was unimpressed. but when you peel back the cover & dive inside, you discover this. shot by alexi lubomirski, styled by belen antolin with hair & make-up by tomohiro ohashi & tyron machhausen- this is a complete homage to our fascination with mermaids.









sometime last year, i said to a friend- “someone should create a collection inspired by the little mermaid”. i began to reference the scene at the end, when ariel does become a human & she emerges out of the water in that minimal, glittering gown. image six in this editorial set seems to reference that exact scene, which im obsessed with. i have noticed that the photography work of alexi lubomirski has become gradually more fantasmic. this spread is probably one of my favourites from him, at the moment. the blending of images, the way the likeness of fins is represented & recreated with gowns- the idea is genius. not to mention the recent popularization of mermaids. from azealia banks & her mermaid weave to that post that kourtney kardashian posted on instagram the other day- mermaids are making waves in the culture whether you’ve recognized it or not. im on the fence, usually when it comes to lily donaldson, i find that her presence in editorial can be lackluster at times but here, she completely shines. beautiful in every capacity- the styling, the execution with the editing & not to mention how beautiful this story of fantasy was told. it’s editorial content like this that gives fashion a place with creatives seeking inspiration. completely stunning, completely.

Shoots Lily Donaldson for Vogue Spain