Friday, October 15, 2010

Take A Ride In the Secret Avengers Heli-Carrier

Concept art, reportedly from the Marvel comics 2012 Avengers movie, has surfaced and it looks pretty cool.
The Indian artist George Hull, who also worked on the Matrix sequels, is credited with the designs.

The Heli-Carrier in the comics is a flying aircraft carrier built by Tony Stark and serves as the mobile base of operations for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Here's the original post translated from Russian:
Before the movie "The Avengers" ("The Avengers") still far away, but already we can now look at concept art of the famous USS Sch.ITa (SHIELD Helicarrier) by artist George Hull (George Hull).

It was the supposed originally to appear in the Film "Iron Man 2" ("Iron Man 2"), but over time things have changed and the idea shelved for later.

Probability of occurrence of an Aircraft carrier in the new movie Joss Whedon (Joss Whedon) is very high, Given that representatives of Marvel Studios and Kevin Faig (Kevin Feige) want to make a big surprise for everyone and build up an Aircraft carrier to the top Comic-Kona to San Diego (San Diego Comic-Con 2011). [sic]

None of this is confirmed of course, and Hull isn't even listed as one of the artists on the film. So, this is probably bogus, but you never know. IMDB has been wrong before.

For reference, here are the artists listed.
  • Darrin Denlinger     ....     storyboard artist
  • Michael Meyers     ....     concept artist
  • Candice Muriedas    ....     art department coordinator: Los Angeles
  • Raj Rihal    ....     concept artist
  • Phil Saunders    ....     concept artist

Artist Link:
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