Monday, January 4, 2010
BATMAN: THE MUSICAL "Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?"
OK, Reading the title up above you might be thinking this post is all about the recent Batman: The Brave and The Bold episode starring the Music Meister, but NO, it's not! This is about a real-life Broadway-Type Musical that Warner Bros had planned for Batman way back in the late 90's when Tim Burton just got done directing his 2 Batman movies. In fact Tim Burton was set to direct this play & they even hired a famous song writer to come up with a few songs. Unfortunately for all of us it never really left the ground. But this video is a performance of one of the songs they designed for the show. It was called "Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?" & would have probably been sung by The Joker, ha ha! Now, this video here is a fan-made production using photos of Batman Toys along with the song. The funny thing is about 7 or 8 of the pics were taken from the Bat-Blog. But, it's kinda cool so I'll let it slide...enjoy!